The Terms and Conditions for Dream Start up Challenge are as follows:
A Jury deemed fit for evaluating the entries to this Challenge shall decide the shortlisted entries to be taken up for further mentorship and showcasing. Their decision would remain final and binding on all parties. All applicants/startups agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges. No correspondence, telephone, email or communication of any kind will be entertained in relation to the decision of the evaluators and jury.
The Challenge is supported by partners as published on this website. All rights reserved.
Entry to Dream Start up Challenge does not require any fees.
All material submitted in support of an entry is warranted by the applicant to be their property and is entered without any encumbrances by third parties.
The applicant indemnifies, and agrees to keep indemnified, YI, AISECT and other Partners, for any claims arising out of any material, statements or claims made as part of their entry.
The applicant/startup agree that Supported By-AISECT Dream start up Challenge is entitled to judge their entry and select what they consider to be the winner in a given category without recourse to the applicant/startup.
Applications received without the mandatory fields filled will be deemed invalid and withdrawn from the awards.
Dream Start up Challenge reserves the right to withdraw an entry from the judging process at any time if the entry is deemed inappropriate for any reason without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Decision of the evaluators and jury shall be final.
Shortlisted applicants would be required to work closely with their assigned mentor teams and provide any additional information regarding their business plans from time to time.
Entry deadlines and other timelines may be extended at the discretion of organizing team without assigning any reasons.
Applicants agree to be contacted by organizing team of start up challenge and its partners for the purposes of communication (via email, phone or post).
The aforementioned rules and regulations will be subject to the laws of India. Disputes, if any, are subject to the jurisdiction in the courts of Delhi. Conditions apply.